create a project

Important! To create a project similar to SVN/Git, please follow the next steps!

To create a project it's important to know, that after the first-time login there will be a project created which has the identification name (in OpenProject language: ID), the TU-ID and as the “name” the surname and last name which the CAS transmits.

For the actual projects you should always create sub-projects, even if it's possible to create a SVN/Git repository. This is especially for an better overview and better management.

To create the first sub-project you have to click above on projects (1.) and in the next step (2.) you chose a project created by OpenProject → the own name.

chose automatically created project

Now you can find the standard project overview. All parameters and setting can be ignored because they are placeholders. Important is the green button on the right in the overview (Create subproject(!)).

project overview

Now standard parameters are queried:

  1. name of the project
  2. sub-project of …
  3. a short description
  4. a detailed description
  5. ID of the project which is used for the access via SHH or webdev. !!IMPOrTANT!! at this point the TU-ID must be _before_ the wished ID. If the ID is e.g. “my-svn-project”, than the whole ID is “<tu-id>-my-svn-project”. If you forget this ID you won't be able to create the sub-project.
  6. an URL for the projectwebsite (if existing)
  7. visible for everybody or not. In the default setting this is not activated and only visible for members.
  8. no changes here.

At the end you can activate modules that you want e.g. a forum or a wiki. After that you have to klick on the button “Speichern”.


If everything worked you will see this message: